
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER Luis Holt has read more than 180 books, maintains a yearly average percent correct of 93%, and has earned 100 points! 🏆 He was the first VVE student to hit 100 points! WooHoo! 🥇

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER Jocelyn Hernandez has read more than 165 books, maintains a yearly average percent correct of 96%, and has earned 100 points!

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER Matheo Quintero has read more than 160 books, maintains a yearly average percent correct of 87%, and has earned 100 points! 🏆

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER Íker López read more than 160 books, maintains a yearly average percent correct of 94%, and has earned 100 points! 🏆

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER Jacob Alvarez has read more than 150 books, maintains a yearly average percent correct of 95%, and has earned 100 points! 🏆

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER Jorge Contreras has read more than 150 books, maintains a yearly average percent correct of 85, and has earned 100 point! 🏆

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER Cirianna Carrizales has read more than 180 books, maintains a yearly average percent correct of 93%, and has earned 100 points! 🏆

Annalise has read more than 168 books, maintains a yearly average percent correct of 96%, and has earned 100.3. points! 🏆 Conrats!